This is like opening up a brand new notebook. Only I don't have to worry about my handwriting, or if I should put the date in the right hand corner or the left. Speaking of which, do I write it between the first two lines, or in that big column on the top? (ALWAYS the big column.)
I have had this little voice in my head telling me I need a website for YEARS. So, here it is! I thought the best way to begin this journey (ugh.. that word.) would be to do a little meet and greet, question and answer segment. I've been taking questions on my social media platforms with the promise of answering them here, in my VERY FIRST BLOG ENTRY! (*Said in big, echoing voice for dramatic effect.) As an added bonus, I instantly have content about which to write! BONUS. Here goes....
What made you want to go into the photography business? Also, I know you are self-taught, but have you ever considered offering lessons?
I wish I could say that I've always wanted to be a photographer, and I'm finally living my dream and all, but that's just not even close to the truth. I am a math person. I am not an artist, struggle to be creative, and get all anxious when I even consider using the right side of my brain. I graduated with a degree in Economics, and saw myself doing big important business things when I grew up. Only, that didn't happen. I had my son four months after I graduated college, and settled well into a full time stay at home mom position. (My old professors and Scholarship donors, I'm sure, would have been thrilled. So many times I'd get an alumni questionnaire and laugh. Current Employer? A kid. Wait, two kids.. One is just slightly "more in control" than the other. Accomplishments? I know all the words to most Blue's Clues episodes. Aspirations? Teaching said children to wipe properly by the time they start school.) Anyhow, when my children were 3 and 4 (Yes, they are only one year apart. Because we are clearly overachievers and like to make everything as challenging as possible.), my husband thought we needed a new camera to take on our first Disney World vacation. Because I did not trust myself to not drop it, he captured the trip. When we got home, he taught me how to use the camera. Like, how to hold it and how to turn it on. That was as far as it went. Until, about a year later I decided life was going too fast and I was so tired and busy that I would someday forget what my kids looked like, so I taught myself how to REALLY use my camera. This was where my math brain kicked in! I loved all the technicalities involved with getting the perfect combination of ISO, shutter speed, and aperture to make my camera do EXACTLY what I wanted it to do. Then I got a cheap photoshop program for Christmas. I did some really bad, rather extreme editing (think, creepy children with REALLY bright, unnaturally blue eyes), but I got the hang of it. I started doing little photo shoots of my kids, which led to volunteering to take pictures of friends' kids, which eventually led to my very first paying client! (Another friend... I made $40!!! I was rich!) By this time, my youngest was getting ready to start kindergarten, and I was FREAKING OUT at the thought of losing my "job" as their full time mom. I knew I didn't want to enter the corporate world and miss out on field trips and ministry and enjoying hours of an empty house when the kids were at school, and all the other things that make being a stay at home mom to elementary children so great. Lots and lots of practice and prayer and legalities and equipment upgrades and trial and error later, I knew I could do this. And I wanted to do it. Photography became the artistic outlet I never knew I had. And I made people HAPPY with my work. That has truly been the biggest push for me to continue.
Wow! That was a loaded question! As far as offering lessons, I'm not sure. I'd LOVE to, but I'm not sure if there'd be interest. I mean, there are SO MANY amazing photographers out there who do it already. I'd happily send you their way, or probably easily oblige if there are enough of you twisting my arm. :)
My kids and me.
When did you know, "I can do this and make a living at it?"
Define "make a living." I am so fortunate to have a hard working husband that has supported me in this endeavor. (Read: a husband who makes enough money that we don't have to rely on my earnings.) Without that security, I would not be able to pursue photography. That being said, the fact that people were willing to pay me to take their pictures spoke volumes. I have the best clients, and whether they realize it or not, THEY have made my new dream my reality.
Outside of taking the most amazing pictures our babies and families, what are some of your favorite things to do for fun?
Aw, a compliment within a question! Thanks! :)
I really do LOVE working. I love holding and posing newborns. (Hello, BABY FIX!) Little kids make me happy. I run around with them, play peek-a-boo with toddlers, make fart noises at little boys, and I almost always leave family sessions laughing. And when I edit I get to listen to Pandora and drink coffee. It's fun, this job! Outside of work, I spend A LOT of time with my husband. He is my best friend, coming second only to the dog. We are not super exciting people. We take walks with Lola, our great dane. We spend a lot of time talking and laughing at each other, and playing with the kids. We go outside as much as we can. We love hanging with my parents and my sister at their pool, and frequenting Disney with his parents. I LOVE music. All kinds of music. I go to an embarrassing amount of concerts, except I'm not embarrassed about it. My favorite band of all time is the Dave Matthews Band, and my summers are spent following them to however many venues I can talk my husband into allowing. (June will be show number #31 for me seeing Mr. Matthews live, but who's counting?) I love to read and watch The Office. I love my church and my Bible Study. Our family camps. We travel as much as we possibly can. Summer is our favorite! The 4th of July is like Christmas for us. (If you know my husband, this makes sense.) I also love spending time with my girl friends. I have THE BEST FRIENDS. Seriously.
That time my husband flew across the country with me to see the greatest band in the world at the most beautiful venue in the world. DMB at the Gorge (Washington). Because he loves me. :)
Favorite snack?
Ice cream, sugar, and gluten.
What do you love to shop for?! What's your favorite store?
I'm really not a shopper. I don't enjoy it. So... concert tickets? (Furthermore, merch tables at concerts. Because I love me a good band hoodie!) Favorite store is Aldi's, because it saves us a lot of DOUGH.
Favorite Bible verse?
When I was raising my babies, I loved the ring of Philippians 2:14 "Do all things without grumbling or questioning." I made my kids memorize this verse (and even recite it at opportune times). #momwin, until I realized that I'm the grumbler. I went through a big chunk of my life devouring verses dealing with fear and worrying, but God has taken that consuming-oftentimes even debilitating-weight from my being. This year in my Bible study, we've been going through the book of John. "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:34-35) In the crazy political world that is 2017, where I feel like I belong to neither "side" of anything, this verse gives me hope. THIS is my politics. This is the side I'm on. I love.
What is your favorite type of session to do? Are there other types of events, that you currently do not do, that you would like to consider doing?
Hands down, I love working with senior girls! I feel like high school is just plain hard for kids in terms of popularity, pressures, and the quest for fitting in and being good enough. (Maybe it was just me..?) I like to think that I can help these girls to see how beautiful they are. I rarely "chimp" at sessions (show clients the back of my camera as I'm shooting), but I do spend the majority of a senior session getting all giddy and showing the girls how amazing they are and that I'm capturing it. It's FUN. I get the same joy doing this for moms at family sessions. Because let's be real. We are HARD on ourselves. Moms, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Let me prove it to you! I LOVE LOVE LOVE newborns because I am obsessed with babies, but since I mostly travel to clients' homes, it's a lot of physical work to move all my stuff. Otherwise, they'd be my favorite! In terms of events, I've done birthday parties, concerts, births, church events, conferences, and even a few weddings. I'm almost always up for a challenge! (Though I am not taking on weddings at this time. I'm happy to refer brides to someone else!)
Who was the biggest newborn you've ever photographed?
A sweet, sweet boy by the name of Abram, in all his 11 pound 1 ounce glory! (The smallest was a 4-ish pounder!)
Favorite outfit?
My weight is always yo-yo'ing (as weight does), but stretchy pants and maxi skirts will be there for me fo life. I'm sure of it.
Favorite DMB song?
What next?! Favorite child?!? How about a top five? In no particular order, Lie in our Graves, #41, Bartender, One Sweet World, and The Stone. I also REALLY liked when they covered Time of the Season and Sledge Hammer and Burning Down the House and The Maker. I. CAN'T. STOP.
Who is the most handsome man you know? (***this question submitted by my husband...)
Nice try, Ryan Dial. It's YOU!!! Obviously. My man is HAWT. Second place goes to Chris Martin and those blue eyes and Brit singing voice that tells me to look at the stars and see how they all shine for ME. Swoon. Even though I don't really know what it means that I'm all YELLOW. But it's still no contest... Ryan Dial is the most handsome man ALIVE.
Chris Martin, speaking directly to my soul. I took this on the FLOOR at a Coldplay concert last summer. It's worth noting that the reaching hand, bottom left, is not my own. It's also worth noting that while I sat up close, my husband was up in the nosebleeds with our two children, because he's the best. And because he didn't want Chris to realize that there was a man more handsome than himself there. That could've been detrimental to his performance. You're welcome, all who were in attendance.
How do you balance work and being a mom and wife?
It's really not that hard since my kids are in school, and I get most of my editing done when they're not here. Spring/Summer/Fall breaks take a little bit more planning, as any working mom would have to do. (My kids will almost ALWAYS happily oblige at get sucked into a show hole when I need them to leave me alone so I can edit, or run the neighborhood unsupervised with hourly check ins.) (Because just say no to helicopter parenting and all, amiright?) Newborn sessions are usually during school hours. I have a lot of evening sessions April-November, but my husband and I are great at planning around each other's schedules. We've only ever hired an actual babysitter one time, a Saturday morning when I had a session and he was working. Our parents are always quick to step up when we're in a bind and need help with childcare, which isn't often. Also, I started charging a weekend fee last year, which has really helped me to make my family my priority. Most clients do not really NEED weekend, and are fine with choosing weeknight slots. For that I am thankful! (This is another reason I do not do weddings. I feel like I'd miss too much family stuff.) I should also note that in the winter I work very little, in the fall I work crazy double time, and the other seasons fall somewhere in between. So, the easiest way to determine which season we're in is to look not at the weather or calendar, but step in my front door and note how neglected my house is. In February, my goal is to vacuum and dust regularly and prepare healthy dinners. In October, we survive and that's called #winning in my book.
A picture of October neglect. Isn't it sad?
How does one go about setting up a website?
Step one: Obsess about needing one for years, but do nothing. Step two: Figure out how to do it and get on with it. That, or hire someone, which I opted not to do. (Because Aldi's doesn't save us THAT much dough.)
How has being your own boss had an impact on your life? Maybe even the highs and lows of it all.
Being my own boss is EVERYTHING. I never even knew I wanted it, but here I am. It's given me confidence that I can dream big. I like to think that it shows my son and daughter that the sky is the limit. I set my own hours. I work around vacations and don't have to request off. I'm not trying to please anyone, except my clients. There's no working my way up the ladder when I am the ladder. This business can be as big or little as I want it to be, and I like that. I can serve others. I can follow my own rules. I know that whatever money the business makes is being spent exactly how I'd choose. If the CEO of Falynn Dial Photography is getting rich (which she's obviously not... ) I can tell every dollar where to go, give to organizations of my choosing, help others that God puts on my heart. Also, I don't have to wear real pants to work most days. That's a biggie. On the flip side, there's no one telling me what to do. (Wait! That's a good thing, right?!) Well, yeah. But. Sometimes I feel like this thing would be so much easier if I was taking orders, and just going through motions. No ambiguity. "Here's your particular job, now do it. And do it this particular way." Instead, I'm always having to think and figure everything out. Tax stuff, legal stuff, price structure, business model. None of this was decided for me. Computer crashes? There's no IT guy. I AM the IT guy. And the customer service line, the photographer, the sales team, the web designer, bookkeeper, scheduler, equipment maintenance person, the logistics department, the payroll person, advertiser, secretary, vacation fill in, inventory person.... you get the picture. IT'S JUST ME. And sometimes it gets a little lonely. But, you know I'm not gonna end this question feeling sorry for myself... because there's good news! I am surrounded by an AMAZING community of photographers. We have groups on facebook. We have coffee dates. We have Christmas parties. These ARE my coworkers! I love them. We toss around ideas, offer constructive criticism on our work, give business tips, assist each other at shoots, and everything in between. I seriously don't know what I'd do or where I'd be without this support system. And guess what.. I love these other photographers SO MUCH that I'm not even offended or mad (maybe a little sad, because I love you!) when you choose them over me. Really, I'm not. I love my clients, but I'm not the only photographer in the sea and I'm OKAY with that!
Thank you all for checking out my new site, and you win a trophy if you made it to the very end of this LONG novel of a blog post! Congratulations!!! MUAH! XOXO